I can't share what happened because well that's just the situation, but what I've learnt today really opened my eyes to something. My blog name truly deserves it's name, truth don die indeed. Blogsville peeps I have a question for all of you, lets say a lot of people believe in something that brings them happiness/inspiration but that belief is not based in truth but in half lies/full lies is it OK to challenge it or even try to criticize it seeing as it brings a whole lot of joy and happiness to people? What do you think?
In my school I got a job and the nature of my job means that I get to advocate social justice, promote diversity and encourage empathy among everybody. Basically in that job there is a lot of political correctness that is expected from the employees at this place. I did not realise till today that just because of that job, I now have to watch what I say, how I think and even the questions I ask. All of you know that I love asking questions and sometimes I tend to ask a lot of probing questions. Now in my job I am suppose to 'bring people together' and 'alleviate tension' but I've started observing somethings. Some of the people that work there would rather sacrifice 'free thought' just so as everyone/everybody is appeased and I've been asking myself is it really worth it? They preach political correctness but I feel that they should start preaching 'Political honesty'. Has anybody heard that song by Gavin Degraw? It's called 'I don't want to be' that's honestly how I feel right now. If this job I got is going to make me be one of those people who would prefer sweeping issues under the rug just for the purpose of illegitimate peace then my heart is never going to be fully into the job. Because at this job, I get to put on workshops and host forums and I am the kind of person when I speak about something I can usually tell when people feel like I am speaking from the heart, but if I do not believe in what am doing then people are going to view me as phony.
Well I don't know if this post makes sense but this whole thing is really saddening me because I've observed it among adults that as they grow older or as they become older people find it harder to maintain their principles. I mean somepeople still hold on to a few of them in private but majority of people I believe when faced with either 'money from a job' over their 'principles' will choose the money. Somepeople then start to say that wisdom comes with age, but I tend to disagree. Most people don't become wise as they age they become weary, they start to question whether it is worth the effort to actually 'ask questions'. And in the back of my mind I always knew that the day would come when I would censor myself from asking a question because I either feared physical harm to myself or I feared being cut off from financial support. And I know deep down that if I ever sink to low that I become so scared to ask questions that I feel are necessary for my progress as a human being, life would not be worth living for me ever. `Blogsville peeps I am really sorry for taking sometime to update, but I have been busy with school and a couple of other things. I never thought I would see the day when I would get tired of blogging but truth be told I really am falling out of love with blogging. *sigh*.
But back to my topic sha, I am the kind of person if I find out that I have truly offended someone I am quick to apologise if I am in the wrong. Sometimes when I ask questions of people's beliefs they accuse me of disrespecting their beliefs and I wonder. Is it possible to disrespect a person's beliefs by asking tomany questions?
But I have a question to all the ladies on blogsville, see I am assuming that all of you are ladies o, not vagabonds lol. But can someone please explain to me why some women after discovering that their fiance/boyfriend/husband has been cheating on them go confront the lady that the husband has been cheating on them on through mediums such as 'texting/phone/facebook/email'. Why would you bother sending facebook messages to the woman he's cheating on you on? When you can confront him and him alone? This is just something I've never understood about certain women.